3.6 iOS OTA web page
When using iOS OTA to issue certificates to an iOS device, the web service uses an intermediate web page to present a link to the CA root certificate and the Enroll page used to provision the certificates.
The web page is generated by transforming XML into HTML using XSL. If required, you can modify the transform file.
The transform file is ScepProvision.xslt, and is installed to the following folder by default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intercede\MyID\SSP\MyIDProcessDriver\Transforms
Note: If you provide any images in your transform, you are recommended to use absolute paths rather than relative paths.
Note: By default, ScepProvision.xslt file contains a meta refresh node which automatically takes the user to the EnrollUrl. This can be removed or the time taken (defaults to 0 seconds) can be changed if required.
3.6.1 Available attributes
The XML comprises a top-level Parameters node containing the following elements:
CaUrl – The URL which can be used to download the root CA certificate. This is optional and will not be required if all devices are preconfigured to trust the root CA certificate.
EnrollUrl – The URL which needs to be followed to begin the process of issuing the certificates.
Note: You must either include a hyperlink to the EnrollUrl, or a meta refresh node that automatically takes the user to the EnrollUrl.
In addition to the EnrollUrl being mandatory, a link with:
is also mandatory so that the user can be returned to the Identity Agent application to complete the enrollment.